I'm not sure if anyone has visited my website lately, but if you do right now, this is what you'll find. (dont bother trying, i promise you, my account is suspended lol). This is the result of changing your email address and failing to change your contact information with your website host providor. I got "invoice unpaid" emails for a few months before they suspended my account, but unfortunately I never checked my old address in order to actually recieve them...oops!!
So my website is temporarily out of commission while I get it figured out. Its not the end of the world since
A) I have a job and it wont hurt my employment
B) all my updating is done to this blog, not my website
C) I've never been happy with it anyways, and
D) pretty soon I wont be LMK...and I have some new ideas. So maybe I won't renew it!
We'll see! So,
Today's Lesson: remember to change your contact information with anyone that matters...lol!
And today's inspiration: check out Stella & Dot for some fantastic jewelery!
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